Popular Pets and Cute Critters

Happy Lunar New Year!! Its another year already!! This year is the year of the DRAGON!

The Komodo dragon is the closest animal you can get to a dragon because dragons are mystical creatures.
Komodo dragons look like lizards. They eat flesh from animals.

Ho Ho Ho Ho!  It's almost Christmas! Guess what  this week's animal is? Yup, it's the REINDEER!

 The Reindeer is an amazing animal! Did you know that just last week a WHITE reindeer was born in England? Here are some facts about the reindeer:
  • The reindeer is really a caribou in North America
  • The reindeer eats grass

                                                           What do YOU think about the reindeer?


Guess what this week's cute critter is? It's white, it's soft and it lives in the north. It's the POLAR BEAR!

Polar Bears are endangered animals so please donate to any animal non-profit organizations to help them.

Here are some facts about the Polar Bear:
  • Polar Bears mainly eat seals.
  • When Polar Bears are young, like the one you see up there, their mothers leave them on the ice and go fish for seals.

                                            Remember, Polar Bears are living creatures too!